Community and Public Affairs
From the early 1970s, Dan has been a strong advocate for making the academic and research assets of universities available to and engaged with their communities and states as a way of improving the quality of life. His research and leadership in higher education reflects these core values.
On a personal level, Dan has served as a volunteer and board member to numerous non-profit organizations. Since arriving in Toledo, Dan has served as a board member to such local organizations as Hospice of Northwest Ohio, Toledo/Lucas County Library Legacy Foundation, Lourdes University, UT Urban Affairs Center, Alliance for Paired Donation and others as well as an advisor to Medical Mission Hall of Fame. He has also served as a member of the Cherry Street Mission Revitalization Center development committee.
Dan has strongly encouraged university faculty and staff to become personally engaged in community affairs and worked to bring members of the community into the affairs of his universities. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of community, civic and public affairs to his assignments and often provides mentoring and coaching to community organizations and their boards.