Books and Major Publications

The Uncertain Future of American Public Higher Education (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019

Student-Centered Strategies for Sustainability

To purchase a copy of The Uncertain Future of American Public Higher Education click here.

To read an overview of the book and contents, click here.

“Johnson kicks a hornet’s nest of issues confronting our revered system of higher education. While various constituents of higher ed may be inclined to nitpick his litany of insights, they would do so at their collective peril. The unintended consequences of sticking with the status quo or tinkering at the margins could have dire effects. This is a clarion call for bold and innovative change.”

—(Lee Gorsuch, President Emeritus, City University of Seattle, USA)


 “The Uncertain Future of American Public Higher Education is a must-read for all of our country’s higher education leaders, from university presidents, to governing boards, to state and federal policy makers. A former university president himself, Johnson draws on his many years of experience: first defending the status quo, then aggressively leading needed change and candidly identifying the sacred academic traditions that have created this crisis.”

—(Tom Brady, Entrepreneur and Former Dean of Education at University of Toledo, USA)


“This thought-provoking book goes to the heart of why restructuring our entire education system is critical for our nation and our students’ future. He shines a bright light on what changes need to be made.”

—(Bob Holden, Governor of Missouri, 2001-2005, USA)


“Dan Johnson articulates the necessity for a strong and effective higher education system by addressing the critical challenges it faces and offering potential solutions in the areas of leadership, planning, tuition, educational attainment, quality and efficiency, tenure, and intercollegiate athletics. This is a must read for policymakers, university presidents, politicians, journalists, university trustees and regents.”

—(James M. Tuschman, Former Chairman, Ohio Board of Regents, USA)


Leading Economic Development (University of Toledo Press) 2015

To purchase a copy of Leading Economic Development: A Toolkit for Public Officials and Civic Leaders,

click here.

To read an overview of the book and contents, click here

“My goal is to give you the rudimentary yet meaningful tools you need to begin contributing to the economic growth and revitalization of your community.”
“President Emeritus Johnson effectively demonstrates in his book the benefits of regional cooperation in promotion of economic growth.”

—U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur

Toledo Vision (Toledo Free Press)


With Gratitude: Memories I Want to Keep and Pass On (A Memoir)


Talking Points for Toledo (Toledo Free Press)


Metropolitan Universities: An Emerging Model in American Higher Education (University of North Texas Press)

To purchase ad copy of this book, click here


Black Migration in America: A Social Demographic History (Duke University Press)


The Middle-Size Cities of Illinois: Their People, Politics and Quality of Life (Sangamon State University Press)